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Mgr Cupich (Chicago): la Communion pour les militants pro-avortement et homosexualistes ?

 > Regarder la vidéo complète de l'émission "Face the nation" (l'extrait concerné se trouve à 38min 20s)

> Mgr Cupich sur la Communion pour les militants homosexualistes

During an appearance on the television news show Face the Nation, Archbishop Blase Cupich of Chicago appeared to say that he would allow the reception of Holy Communion by pro-abortion politicians. However the archbishop's words left his message uncertain.

Asked, “You haven't been particularly confrontational with politicians who disagree with you on issues like abortion, for instance. Do you think the Eucharist has become too politicized?”, he replied:

Well, I think that is important always to begin with an attitude of dialogue. It's important to listen to people and it's very hard to have dialogue because in order for someone to tell you why they think you are wrong, you have to sit in patience to allow that to happen. The community -- as I say, cannot be the place where those discussions are fought, but rather we have to look at how we're going to deal with the tough issues of the day in a constructive way and as adults who respect each other.

The prelate was then asked, “So, when you say we cannot politicize the Communion rail, you would give Communion to politicians, for instance, who support abortion rights?” He replied:

I would not use the Eucharist or as they call it the Communion rail as the place to have those discussions or way in which people would be either excluded from the life of the Church. The Eucharist is an opportunity of grace and conversion. It's also a time of forgiveness of sins. So my hope would be that that grace would be instrumental in bringing people to the truth.

(Catholic Culture/LifeSiteNews)


La réponse du Cardinal Francis Arinze, Préfet de la Congrégation pour le Culte Divin pendant les pontificats de Jean-Paul II et Benoît XVI, à l'argumentation avancée par Mgr Blase Cupich

La réponse de Mgr Cordileone, Archevêque de San Francisco depuis 2012, à l'argumentation avancée par Mgr Cupich

Une réponse plus ancienne du Cardinal Arinze


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